Customer Testimonials

At Guardian Roofing customer satisfaction is our top priority.We understand that you have many choices for a roofing contractor.  Client input ensures that potential customers choose the best roofing company possible.  Whether it is roof repairs, complete roof replacements or roof inspections; Writing reviews is a great way to share your experience while benefitting other customers. Your opinion matters to us. We want to be your premier roofing contractor, let us earn your business. Experience the difference with Guardian Roofing Here’s what some of our customers have said about our roofing company:

“Thank you for the quick responses by you and Kyle at my request for an estimate on the same day I submitted it via BBB. You responded immediately via phone and email which lead to a same day visit from Kyle. Kyle called ahead of time before visiting to ensure I was aware of his visit and for permission to arrive early. He was most pleasant and professional to talk with; he was informative and helpful with answering all my questions. The next day as promised, you provided an estimate at a very reasonable price.Thank you for your business’s outstanding customer service. ”

-Donna L

“Thank you so much!  This is the best inspection I have seen in a long time! ”

-Tina H. 

“Great company .very professional. Great work , will definitely refer them to friends and family.”

-Rhonda J. 

“This company was conscientious in their service, and followed through with their commitments. We had a vexing roof leak for which the crew had to return several times. They took pictures and provided clear estimates of the repairs needed. They also honored their warranty to correct an earlier repair. Throughout the process, the office staff was excellent to work with, and the crew was considerate and communicative.”

-Joan W

“Very dependable and did a great job. We had some repairs. Would recommend to homeowners looking for full roof or repairs.”

-Pam A

“Everyone in the company has been courteous and professional with our Association members. The description of work to be done was always clear and easy to understand. What sold us on them was; they called to confirm any date and time changes, there was a clear written scope of work they matched the shingles left a clean work area were willing to work with scheduling of other trades And give a 6 month warranty. The warranty means a lot with repair work. We have not had to call them back, all work was successfully completed. With the rain we get in this area you are quick to learn that they fixed the leak the first time.”

-Robert B

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